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KanaKane is the plot. Nothing else matters.
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Ruby has like 20 flags going for her. Every time she gets more it doesn't seem like a big deal.
Kana just got her first flag. This means everything to Kanafags. Let them have this.
>self-inserters that want to fuck aqua
Cringe. Get over it, waifuniggers, your purple haired prostitute is dead
Liking a character doesn’t mean you want to fuck them. Not that a waifushitter would know anything about it
The only thing you "like" about Aqua is that he dated Akane, fucking self-inserting loser.

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What's the best way to treat your CF maid in isekai?
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Look, this series is rife with cuckshit.
It’s cuckshittery has been discussed here several times already.
It was cuckshit before.
It’ll be cuckshit again.
Don’t read it if you don’t want to read cuckshit, is it that hard?
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>evil villainess from evil house explains to evil family that her consorting with MC is because of evil machiavellian plans
>doesn’t explain that those plans are mostly SEXO
Wasn't she not interesting in the beginning?
gotta get them (You)s

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What is the optimal boob size for an anime girl, /a/?
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90cm minimum
100cm ideal
120cm maximum
Anything above 120cm can still be good, but they usually treat it as a joke/gag.
But for a porn/fanart, then there's no limit.
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When their bust measurement is equal to their height.
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I like both big and small ones

We love the canon CHADnga here
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Daipafags are talking about us again
Why are they so mindbroken?
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Bejito is so lucky

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I kind dislike how chubby her face looks in some shots
what an angelic protagonist
I never really noticed how many hairstyles Okarun goes through
My sides were destroyed by this. It's going to be such an absurd explanation how they got in and I'd love to hear it.

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Welcome to Neverland
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This is her power up arc
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Bumping for my new wife who, like a proper Finn, is very autistic and not good at reading the room.
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it's over for you
My headcanon is that Spirits genocided all of r*ssia, that's why they can behave like normal people now.

What can we expect from the upcoming movie?
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I prefer hetkillers, because we men are so inferior and dirty when compared to other women. Women deserve to stay pure and better, not be tainted by our presence.
literally who?
I'm not your boyfriend
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Chisato was so turned on by the indirect kissu with Majima. You could just tell she was soaking wet. I can't wait for season 2 so their relationship can blossom.
Guys correct me if i'm wrong. Is ACK a yurifag? Is >>266112110 and it's replies meant to summon him?

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I know you're craving for more Iruma content but alas! we're still in the middle of the Golden Week break, we won't get a new chapter till next Wednesday.

As a small consolation, here's the cover for the second volume of Mafia AU.
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What's this mean
Clara would never be this sexy
She's getting better at exhibiting sex appeal when she wants to. She's just generally so childish that she doesn't.
Won't help her win the Irumabowl though

I just finished episode 28 of Frieren. Why do I feel like crying? It wasn't sad. Is it because I watched the dubbed version?
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bait used to be good
Escapism isn't healthy.
I heard that the actors for Himmel and Aura are a couple...

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Volume release day, did you bring your confetti?
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brutal. . .
That Blue Lock spin off pile caught my eyes more because it has a movie recently
Don't know, most Harem writers can't write females above a superficial level or outside of their relationships with men
earliest ruri vol 2 comes out would be august

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Ashihara lives.
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No, it's definitely a strategy.
Most of the squads built their trion soldier designs around advancing and fighting all possible rounds. Osamu's strategy is to instead take one round for positioning, fight two rounds, and withdraw and defend for two rounds.
Likewise the other squads would for example have 4 cannons with 10 rounds apiece, while Osamu went with 10 cannons with 4 rounds apiece.

So the other squads have the better overall design, but Osamu optimized for the inherently limited time of the matches to increase his numbers and maximize trion usage in the timeframe of the match.
Isn't that part of the reason half of them were in cloak?
you think? if I knew nothing about a series, and saw an advancing squad of anthropomorphic gators, pyramids, crabs, wheels, styrofoam take out containers, skeletons wearing hockey pads, and a CHAIR, I'd want to look into what's up.
NTA you replied to, but before the great hiatus it's already gotten first.
methinks it's you who greatly underestimated WT popularity in japan
ONE has the best panelling. JJK used to have the best action; now, I don't know what does. sad face at Gege getting fried.

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Sometimes I wish America invented anime instead of Japan. Western-style anime are almost always great. American influence was a big part of anime's creation in the first place.
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>Most popular anime
One of the most iconic anime in the west, Cowboy Bebop has no equivalents in western animation.
>Or did some group give up raiding this board?
either that or just replanning their approach
suddenly today there were like 10 anti-japan threads in a row with this one being one of the last, all of them either didn't get enough traction or had anons hijacking them calling out the anti-japan bullshit like this thread
you can even see the seethe from it happening this very thread with the fag crying WTF NO I WILL NOT ALLOW YOUR CIRCLEJERK lmfao
>He thinks it's not the kikes.
You will eventually stop being in denial like everyone else.
>Sometimes I wish America invented anime instead of Japan. Western-style anime are almost always great. American influence was a big part of anime's creation in the first place.
I hope America embrace ai art
This is some weird projection

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can you hear the sound of he cogs clicking in his head? in his heart??
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No, I don't think it is. Maximum technique is the most creative and furthest potential the user can push their CT instead of pumping a shit ton of CE into it which is Maximum output.

Since Shrine also has Fuga, Fuga is either the maximum technique or cursed technique reversal. World cutting slash is something copied from Mahogara and theoretically anyone can do it with a regular blade assuming they can figure out wtf targeting the world even means.
Perfect example is Sukuna mimicking Piercing Blood with Max Elephant. You can probably mimic a shit ton of other CTs with 10 shadows but none of them are really maximum techniques. Maybe a 10 shadows Totality would be the 10S one but we haven't been reached that yet.
It's over, we lost.
Hxh chads won...

>gyaru who's a natural-born beauty
>otaku, not to mention she's into eroge
>believes people shouldn't be judged because of their interests
>falls for the timid MC because he enjoyed spending time with her while focusing on her interests
Why do some people on /a/ seethe over Marin again?
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She's just another manic pixie dream girl, and then I have seen some people calling her "realistic" which is stupid because she is completely unrealistic and that's fine
>went all-in on the CGDCT angle and the manga is now more about Marin's galpals than about her lusting after Gojo.
What does this made up lying accomplish? The current arc is a Marin-Gojo drama arc about her getting scouted to be a pro cosplayer that is obviously going to end with her turning it down to continue enjoying her hobby. Probably after 20 chapters of forced misunderstandings between the two of them. The latest chapter is literally her eating dinner at his house with her dad.
Gojou could definitely be less bland and more appealing.

But don't let anyone ever lie to you and pretend they have any issue with Gojou. It's solely MARIN they have an issue with.

In fact there would be only MORE outrage if you had a character like Marin end up with a 11/10 rich gigachad. The primary thing is that they don't want Marin in particular to be happy or rewarded or portrayed in a favorable way, out of jealousy.
I don't believe that in the slightest. They get insanely jealous if a character doesn't have black hair.
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Who would have won the fight?
>Regular high school girl
You tell me
Regular high school girl.
ruri doesn't have that dawg in her
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she just needs her katana (umbrella)

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