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Next episode preview.
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literal eggchans
So this is the jobber girl?
She actually appears to have streaming experience unlike the goth girl so she's leading in my opinion
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Yeah the contrast between her and the sheep is quite striking

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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: who uses "soft seinen" ?
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Ron. Chun Dora 1, Atamahane desu.
I lasted until volume 16 of the daily dumps
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Weird question, but how do you think Washizu would react if a guy he invited for his games got an big four winds, full honors, four consecutive triplets, tenhou win on him? At this literal first turn? Just, first turn in the game, and absolutely and utterly fucking smites him into the 9th dimension.

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Episode of Myrthe and Kappa
is the episode airing despite olympics?
PA Works is a government studio. They won't bend to the pressures of the international sports cabal.
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Last week's Jarman Episode.


Funny enough, most of the comments from Japanese people were about being interested in what Westerners were eating-

So, tonight, I made a Japanese style curry, with Karaage. How about you?

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Everybody gather round for this week's episode
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which one would you pick?
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You didn't beat the game.
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>romaji karaoke
who is the target audience for this
It'll be a translation next episode. Then switch back and forth.
Dragon Slayer, mini ver.

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Taking the initiative to dump the chapter. I really like it.
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I really think this should have an anime. But I stop wanting that when I remember I'll be CG.
What did Nihei mean with that? Why is he so esoteric?
Yuva is a simple farm boy. Princess just has to be nice to him and the mage whore and the brute merc will both be wiped away from his mind.
Something must have cut the dragon in half, there's a bigger fish in that floor
>My face when the tower dungeon is actually an orbital launcher

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Is this karma for what he did with Prison School?
>Akira Hiramoto was known for getting axe after axe in the manga industry
>Finally gets a successful manga Prison School.
>Drags out his one hit wonder till sales start tanking, then resents everyone so he shits the ending on purpose.
>Goes back to getting axed again after his reputation died from this.
>Finally gives up on writing, teams up with successful writer for super ball girls.
>Manga is finally getting traction with its harem romance.
>Find out it's the Jagaaan writer who is working on the manga known for cuck shit.
>Does a bait & switch and turns it into a cuckoldry romance story.
>Sales are tanking again and he's about to be axed once more.
Akira hiramoto can't catch a break ever since.
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>he shits the ending on purpose
The ending was perfectly fine.
>and had fan favorite couples betray each other so no one wins.
These were relationships build upon lies. Of course they wouldn't last
The problem wasn't the ending. The problem was the Cavalry arc
There was nothing wrong with the ending, that is just cucked anons whining. It fitted the tone of the manga.
No wet t-shirt contest sucked, that should've happened before things wrapped up, but the ending itself was great.
His magnum opus is and forever will be Gen to Ore Monogatari.

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"I’m a High School Boy, but I Got Gender-Swapped Into a Gyaru" by Marii Taiyou (Gal Gohan).
Chapter 8 part 1 came out. Dumping.
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...........side character rape flashback when?
Thanks I'll try to make a thread within a few hours of chapter releases if you haven't but depending on my schedule I may be late
>He didn't intentionally made his hair like a Gyaru
He's not oshimai yet, there's hope!
Yeah. Sexo
>depending on my schedule
A new chapter comes out every other Saturday (Friday) at 11:00AM (Japan Standard Time) / 02:00AM (GMT) / 10:00PM, Friday (EDT)

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ABB non-stop
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She looks great but I can't have 1/4s in my house they're way too big.
if this was found in the 1500s it would be worshipped as a deity
I can't buy a doll for 400 EUR.
damn look at that enormous brapper
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Teasers from GOLDEN HEAD
2 Azure Lane
1 Blue Archive
2 other figures

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Remember when Bakugo told Deku to commit suicide?
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MHA gave us this iconic bara character that will not be forgotten not even in 5 years: Endeavor
Say what you want, but Enji is really memorable.
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Post Axed Clover's sales per volume and then MHA's sales per volume.
Yeah, you won't lol.
This is the pedo version of fujos reading things that arent. Stop projecting you freaks.
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>(sfw) twitter manga about a -mostly- faceless MC trying to fix/help his gyaru bitchy stepsister who became some assholes cumdump, hinting at a wholesome ending with FMC abandoning sluttery
>mangaka starts posting in fanbox some pages showing the nsfw scenes that were only implied in the original manga, giving the whole setting a stronger NTR vibe than it already had
>one of the 18+ pages includes MC raping his drunk and unconcious (post-chads-ganbang) sister, ruining entirely any possible wholesome route the story could have
>mangaka goes into a panic and retcons the whole even into being more consensual and only FMC's wet dream
>it works, manga gets serialized,
>in the new version, faced creepy stalker MC takes a more active role and successfuly stops his sister from becoming a cumdump from the begining
>still, each chapter ends with cliffhangers baiting at the fanbox pages occurring in next chapter (including the rape by MC), though for now that hadnt been the case
>very recently, another fanbox page was posted continuing the cumdump sister storyline, though apparently its only a what if now
>the mangaka is apparently a woman
okay, lets forget that very last point, try to delete it from your minds, because this kind of thing has ocurred before with some male mangakas as well.
What's your opinion about this, anons? Based move or not scrupuls at all? (assuming you have any being a mangaka)
Would you do the same with your story?
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If you don't like where the story is developing, then maybe it's NOT FOR YOU, shit gibbon. Not everything needs to be for you.
Yuudachi needs Solomon correction poi
The only used goods traumatized rape victim manga that was ever done right was that one by zyugoya and thats mostly because there was barely any mention of the actual cause and it was all about fixing her
>read Twitter drama manga
>act surprised when it's slop
Isn't she still used goods in that version?

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This hack only knows how to regurgitate higurashi slop and he doesn't even do it right lmao. SotsuGo ruined his image forever.
Yeah that's the point.

Higurashi is an easier setting because the politic underpinnings of it are very grounded, realistic and written for japanese audience but still quite approachable even for non-japanese audiences. There's a rural village, there's murahachibu, there's a government dam project about to fuck it up. A very grounded and intriguing setting for the small character cast and fantasy elements to thrive in. The idyllic setting is a great contrast against the dark events.

Very different from speculative scifi and politics of global scope with a huge global cast that he tried to write as a fanservice to his readers all over the world. It's too ambitious for him. He's never going to make a setting so far removed from reality feel as familiar to the reader as Higurashi or Umineko, it will never have the same level of verisimilitude. Whatever intrigue he writes in that setting won't be as engaging to read.
are you retards seriously discussing the quality of a ryukishi VN by the first chapter?
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ok now translate that into english because it makes no sense

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Welcome back, everyone
Today, Popp and Hyunkel finish their fight against the Dragon Riders
Previous Threads:
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Who had it worse?
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Probably baran
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When will Ruby do this?
I love the chess pieces so I'm fine with this change.

Imagine being beaten to death by this
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You must understand the average shounenspic enters a state of great distress whenever their beloved group of scrimblos isn’t constantly being tracked and oppressively involved in the narrative
This is why HxH filters so many despite itself being a shounen, it constantly pivots away from recognizable figures and allows new characters to carry meaningful plot developments by themselves
HxH is badly planned out. Leorio never played a role in the story, he is just background decoration.
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god DAMN!!!
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His names Nobu he's just like a samurai
And an L A D Y Machi's not shy
Feitans doing that edgelord thing
Chrollo's crying, Shizuku's vacuuming

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Which starter would you pick for life on Earth?
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There's a difference between what the author says, and what the character says. And no, posting the jpg of the tweet-xpression that shows the author saying to only trust what is written in the books doesn't change the fact that the author claims that it would be different if he had written Roxy to be Rudeus's first wife.
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this is how onimai threads chads are made
I thought the event today was gonna be a news stream, but if it's some booth in a con in Taiwan I really doubt they will announce anything big in it
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He also said

That's just as vague as Rudy's promise of being loyal to Sylphie
And, it's just a tweet. It's not even on his blog, or written in the books. It's very hard to take you seriously

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>romcom slowly dying now that Abe died
Reproducebros..... How are they going to solve fertility rate?
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That's something kek
Why did he save Nia but not Melia?
Being proud of gacha is quite the microdick accomplishment kek
We're getting kino anime like Alya though?
Japs need to accept their not so new gaijin overlords

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